
Canadian Journalist Union Denies Press Passes to Journalists Not Adopting Leftist Narratives

The Publica team

The Canadian Freelance Union (CFU) has unfairly denied two Canadian journalists at The Publica media accreditation. 

Responding via email, CFU President Nora Loreto told Anna Slatz and Natasha Biase that their requests for press passes were denied because their content is not considered “real journalism” as it covers stories from a perspective with which Loreto personally has issue.

Press passes grant special privileges to journalists, including gaining access to certain events. Although different authorizations are granted depending on the card, it is necessary for journalists to do their job safely.

Despite the CFU website stating that membership “is open to everyone who identifies as a freelance worker in the media” in Canada, Loreto, who describes herself as a “socialist,” told Biase the links to her work did not meet the criteria to receive a press pass because a lot of her work is “lifted from other sources.”

Loreto noted that while Biase’s writing did credit other sources, there was “very little original reporting.”

Initial email exchanged between Biase and Loreto.

As a result, Biase sent through a series of additional links to original reports published by The Publica and the pro-woman news outlet Reduxx, including exclusive on-the-ground coverage of events within the City of Toronto.

Loreto responded that Biase’s request was denied because this work is not considered journalism by the CFU.

Her email read: “Hello, thanks for these links. This might be considered journalism by some corners in Canada but not the CFU.”

Second email exchanged between Biase and Loreto.

News of Biase’s rejection prompted The Publica editor and Reduxx co-founder, Anna Slatz, to follow up about the status of her press pass application with the CFU to see if she would receive a similar response.

Slatz received a response that was much more explicit about Loreto’s personal opinions.

“We cannot grant you media accreditation,” responded Loreto in an email. “Your work looks to be mostly related to the understanding that gender is fixed and unmoveable, related to one’s sex at birth. It’s an ideology that is rooted in hatred towards trans people and we cannot endorse it by saying we consider your work journalism.”

Email exchange between Slatz and Loreto.

Last year, the CFU reported that Loreto was denied media accreditation at the 2023 convention of the Conservative Party of Canada in Québec City.

In addition to Loreto claiming she met all the requirements and registered correctly, the Director of Communications for the Conservative Party of Canada, Sarah Fischer, denied her application.

“This clear attack on free press is unacceptable. In addition to blocking a journalist from doing her job, they have made it less safe, forcing me to work from the sidewalk,” said Loreto. “What is this party afraid of? Does [party leader Pierre] Poilievre think he will be able to pick and choose which freelancers will be allowed to work when he’s Prime Minister?”

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