
Schizophrenic Somalian Who Beheaded His Roommate Will Not Be Deported From Germany Because Prosecutors Worry “He’ll Just Come Back”

Jack Hadfield

A schizophrenic Somalian killer who stabbed his roommate 111 times and beheaded him can’t be deported from Germany, as prosecutors are concerned he will simply return to the country again.

As The Publica reported, at the start of August, Mursal Mohamed Seid, 24, was escorted from his enforced stay in the Mainkofen District Hospital in Lower Bavaria to the local cinema in the local town of Plattling in order to watch Inside Out 2. Under the guise of asking to use the toilet, he managed to escape the sight of his guards and fled the premises.

Seid was eventually recaptured around 9 hours after fleeing, with the public being warned not to approach him during that time. He was taken into custody by police in a local supermarket car park in Plattling, after around 100 officers were out on the streets of the town looking for him.

The convicted asylum seeker, who came to Germany in 2018, had been imprisoned in the Mainkofen District mental hospital since 2022, after he murdered his 52-year-old roommate in a homeless shelter, after previously attempting to cut “Satan” out of his own body. He was not sent to prison for the crime due to an alleged mental health diagnosis of schizophrenia.

According to BILD, the public prosecutor’s office had been looking into the process of deporting Seid for the past two years but failed.

“The prescribed overall consideration includes, among other things, the seriousness of the crime, the dangerousness of the convicted person and the probability that the convicted person will return to the federal territory,” said senior prosecutor Oliver Baumgartner.

“It had to be taken into account that the convicted person would be free in his home country and that there was no guarantee of his treatment,” Baumgartner continued, noting that “a return to Germany was considered possible.” Seid had himself refused to allow a deportation to Somalia in February of this year. Thus, concerns surrounding Seid possibly just returning to Germany have coming back to Germany as a free man has given the authorities pause.

Sabine Bӓter, a spokeswoman for the hospital district, previously declared that the “basic goal” of the cinema trips was to “test the patient’s resilience outside of the clinical environment and to prepare him for later reintegration into society.”

However, since Seid’s escape, all future trips for other patients in the hospital have been permanently cancelled.

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