
Corporate Pride Is Nothing But Virtue Signalling

Every June, Pride Month brings forth a flood of rainbow-themed promotions and statements from corporate giants in the United Stated and much of the Western world. While this outward display suggests progress in accepting the LGBTQ+ community, behind it all is meaninglessness, hypocrisy and a bad case of virtue-signalling.

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Demi Lovato Returns To “She/Her” Pronouns Because Using “They/Them” is Exhausting

Demi Lovato has discovered what many of us knew already: that participating in the "nonbinary" craze is EXHAUSTING. Lovato said in a recent interview that explaining her "they/them" pronouns was tiring. We can only assume that's because most people don't understand this position, nor acknowledge people who believe they are something other than male or female.

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Megan Fox Is Accused of TRANSING Her Kids

Megan Fox is in the news yet again, but not for the usual reasons. This time, she’s been accused of forcing her three sons to “dress as girls” — despite the children protesting.

The Modern Red Pill Movement Is Destroying Men

There has been a shift in the last number of years. Men's Rights Activists (MRAs) from days gone seem to be overtaken by a new sort of pro-man movement: the "Red Pill." The trouble with the Red Pill, as it exists today, is that many content creators and speaker-heads spend more time attempting to shirk responsibility and blame.

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Woke Capitalism Is Collapsing! From The Little Mermaid To The Queer-Anarchist Cafe

No amount of “woke” will overcome a bad product. Take three recent examples: The Anarchist, a coffee shop in Toronto, Canada, the 2023 live-action remake of The Little Mermaid and another “pay as you go” coffee shop in Glasgow, Scotland. Coffee shops and a Disney movie both sound promising, but when you get into the details, you can see all the ugly disasters they were trying to hide.

Hollywood Race Swapping Proves They Don’t ACTUALLY Care…

Back in 1984, Mirage Studios produced the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book that featured a character named April O’Neil. Her hair was dark, and she was a computer programmer who worked under Baxter Stockman. Fast forward to 1986 where she first appears in a comic with color.

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Target Is The New Bud Light

Well, it looks like many companies are determined to follow in Bud Light's footsteps. We've seen countless brands take nose dives recently for miscalculating public hostility towards particular messaging. Target is no exception.

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